Mouvo 2024
Myths of generative A.I.
Only a year has passed since the last Mouvo conference, dedicated to the swift entry of AI into visual arts. In 2023, the audience raised fundamental questions regarding the nature of artificial intelligence. Now, the imprint of machine learning tools is visible on every corner, sparking fiery debates best summarized by the old saying “a good servant, but a bad master.” Further historical parallels are also drawn.

The visual style of this year's Mouvo edition was created using analog processes as a counter to the automated speed of AI tools. The graphical setup was based on real footage of physical objects, landscapes, and liquids, symbolizing the various phases of the entity's creation and its final uprising. The conclusion of the visuals reveals that this entity is still under control and not fully autonomous.

The Prague legend of the Golem, a clay statue revived by a word. Čapek’s R.U.R. The motif of an artificially created servant that escapes control is a phenomenon in Czech culture. We aim to connect to this theme at a time when many see the threat of unintended consequences of human inventions coming alive in the form of artificial intelligence.

We have supplemented the conference with an interactive exhibition that reflects autonomous creation freed from human control by machine learning. Paradoxically, we wanted to shift attention back to the material world instead of the digital one. The interactive installation of the Golem allowed everyone to "control" their Golem, representing the current stage of artificial intelligence.